Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why do I have a blog?!

Beats me. Really! I love to talk without opening my mouth and I get tired of hearing about how much time I spend on Facebook when I seriously do not have enough time. (It's a holiday, shush it!) I know what you are thinking. I think the same thing whenever someone says they never have time to work out. I've given up most all other forms of leisure and entertainment except my computer. (Shelley gets a free minute? Her *&#@ is firmly planted somewhere talking to someone without opening her mouth.) I am a Stay-at-home Mom with three jobs. I love all of them, but still, calling me a SAHM at this point just ticks me off a little. I was one of those (complete with a club membership and tennis lessons and a personal trainer. Not that there is anything wrong with that) and now in this economy, I prefer the term, Non Commuter Entreprenurial Mom. (NCEM) I don't pay for childcare or a long commute or dry cleaning! When I looked at my two boys and announced they should consider a lemonade stand on our street, I knew I was getting close to the edge (A Tragic housefire had planted a TON of new traffic on our quiet little street) so I decided to become a consultant with Thirty-One to take the pressure off them.
So to quote that guy who was on the VP ticket before a lot of you were born, Who am I and Why am I here? I'm Shelley, wife to currently underemployed, outrageously cute, McGuyver in the kitchen-Doug, and mother of two amazingly different boys, ages 10 and 3. I am a worker, a Southern girl with just enough Kentucky in her to be just a smidge rough around the edges. Raised in a crazy dysfunctional family, you learn quickly how to adapt. My Grandfather was a very conservative Preacher who had a thumb on my Mother, my brother and me. We'd go from lessons on Sunday morning of burning hellfire for nearly everything, to anything and everything goes, with our Mother. Saying my Mother was one of a kind is an enormous understatement. I did my time on the Wild Child circuit in my twenties but I ended up being a girl that someone should be proud of and I must admit I have been a productive member of society my entire life.(Boy, the restraint I am showing in not going down that path!) Today I like to think of myself as an agnostic Catholic (agnostic just means questioning, so don't panic, lots of questioning people are just adults who didn't have good trust examples as children).
So back to that conversation we were having about time. I am extremely organized and I prioritize practically everything. Very rarely will I have mountains of laundry or an untidy house. I have to have cleanliness and order to survive. I get up early three days a week to go to the YMCA. I *heart* the Y. If you don't belong to a YMCA, then shame on you! Find a way to be a member. It will change your life. There are many things to become addicted to in this world and exercise is a fabulous thing to never live without! At 4:45am on my work mornings there is a group of dedicated Type A's who I am happy to greet until 8am. At 9am, my therapy begins when the world's most perfect little humans (typically they are around 3 years old or so) appear at my door for laughter and learning and craziness. Children are so much more fun to be around than adults. They either like you or they don't. *Hint: If they don't like you, you must be evil. They never, ever gossip and you always know exactly where you stand with them! When they leave at 2 (Well, not at 2!) I turn back into Mom. You can usually hear me begging my youngest to PLEASE HURRY, PLEASE CO-OPERATE, GET IN THE CAR. NOW! so that I am not late to pick up my oldest. After that it's the all Mom show. I go to bed EARLY. If you email me or call me after about 7pm, chances are enormous that I will not be available. I check my email around 4am. I do not check them when I am at the Y. As you can see facebooking, texting or emailing me is the way to go. I love to talk just not with my mouth moving....


  1. i really enjoyed this shelley...i knew alot of it...but u have a way with words. keep it up...could turn into a 4th job for ya...

  2. I've always thought you have a natural knack for storytelling, Shelley. You're a very engaging writer. You have a very interesting life and a unique perspective. I'm looking forward to reading more.

  3. Excellent stuff, Shelley. Honest opinion. :) I've always enjoyed reading your writing. Not only do you have personality and to spare--which you'd have to have to survive childhood--but you're always kind and funny, too.

    Thanks for the link! :)

